
Wednesday, October 2, 2013

US Government Shutdown

This latest development in U.S politics was what I expected to be the top search in many search engines (Malaysian included). Most might searched for more details about it wondering what the impact would be to the global economy. However to me personally it somehow signal possible development in future Malaysian politics.

Why I said this was, coupled with the latest A-G reports on the "many" mismanagement of funds and assets by many Malaysian government departments, agencies and civil servants, not to mention stupid remarks/statement issued by leaders of late will witness who those "yang atas pagar" will vote in the next general election. Please don't tell me that Malaysian economy will not be affected by this news.

Students studying overseas on self funding (whom majority are non-bumiputras) will feel the heat on the exchange rate, further fueling the divide already caused by that "special rights clause" agreed in 1957. And frankly, these are the group of Malaysian citizens that would later seek greener pastures outside Malaysia, or live most their life OUTSIDE Malaysia but want to exercise their right to vote IN Malaysia.

Many might not want to admit it openly for fear of being accused racial or non-patriotic for Malaysia but let's understand this simple common sense .... who are mostly in the Malaysian civil service and who are the ones who have more taxable incomes especially taxable business incomes? So when the civil servants mismanage or overspent funds paid by "these majority" taxpayers, it will definitely further fuel the next BERSIH, UBAH or TUKAR ... whatever name you want to put it.

Opposition leaders will definitely picked this up and championed it as their cause though frankly in my opinion are not strong enough to replace the current government. Either way the fight is still "race-based". With Internet, cabled TV, access to many international news databases around the world, young Malaysians are very much expose to the fact that many countries "change government constantly when they think the leaders are not good" though electoral votes. No need to wonder why last election so many new young first time voters. However, in Malaysian case it is not Labour versus Liberal or Republican versus Democrats, so the sudden change from N to A or M to C might not be a wise decision ... for now.

It is also a bitter truth that many long reign leaders purposely prevented progress and development in certain parts of Malaysia for their political security. Admittedly some societies are not interested in development, but it doesn't mean that they want to stay backward, knowledge-wise. Development doesn't mean more "canggih" buildings or factories ... it may comes in the form of education and basic facilities. Eco-tourism for example proved to be a lucrative business in many developing countries anyway!

I was never a political analyst, nor have I ever written a post on Malaysian politics. However, something inside ignite me to write this particular entry based on the many FB shares and status on the above subject matter. So pardon my not-so professional approach on this topic.

Love From Down Under

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