
Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Dami Im - X Factor Australia 2013

Mak sebenarnya bukan seorang peminat talent show. Kalau takde citer best kat TV or kebetulan my family and friends are watching, baru mak akan join sekali. Reasons? 

Hmmm ... mak pernah join satu talent show in NTV7 few years back and despite mak dapat lah glamour sekejap, many aspect of the talent show tu mak rasa sangat fake. U don't really meet or see the celebrity judges during audition. And if you really want to be spotted by camera ... don't think u can just come to the audition with your talent ... wear something weird atau "celebrity worthy" ... I can assure you, at least on Malaysian TV ... you will get notice! 

Oh by the way, I auditioned for 2 talent shows ... another one being Malaysian Idol. Thank God ... the person yang menang memang deserve the title ... else I will forever lost respect for the entertainment industry (nak juga mengaku diva kannn ...hahaha)

Anyway, mak punya uni mate suker betul dengan X-Factor Australia 2013. Well, can't blame him ... takde citer best sangat on Australian TV kat Brisbane it. Kalau ada duit lebih, subscribe lah FOXTEL. So on student budget, we went for chanel-chanel yang sedia adalah kat Queensland ni hahaha

However, this Korean-descent contestant memang caught mak punya attention. Her name is Dami Im. Maybe sebab rupa dia yang Korean totok, tanpa plastic surgery and she lives in Brisbane yang buat mak interested. Mula-mula mak tengok audition dia on X-Factor Australia mak rasa biasa-biasa jer. Yelaaa kalau bagi kat contestants for American Idol mesti macam-macam "feel" or "tarikan suara" depa akan buat.

Then, she screwed up during Super Boot Camp performance sebab dia rasa inferior compared to other contestants during the Super Boot Camp sampai lupa lirik. Memang bila mak tengok clip ni balik mak rasa kesian lah dengan Dami, know how it felt to be humiliated on national TV (though memang salah sendiri kannn).

So she didn't went through Super Boot Camp and she was not selected for the home visits. But maybe it was fate, suddenly one of the contestants tarik diri due to personal reasons and she got back in. Hmm so lucky!  But I guess the second chance ni memang gave her a new lease of life and boost her confidence as well.

And then we kept on seeing mesmerising performances, starting with this performance on Week 1. Mula-mula mak takut jugak sebab Dami never heard this song before (she is a K-pop fan) and she also screwed up playing the piano during Super Boot Camp. But time dia tarik tu ... mak memang tau, she dah dapat that "feel" and "stage command". Kalau mak pun ... mak akan tutup mata and sing my heart out!

Okay ... masa mak carik video Live Show Week 2 Dami on X Factor Channel Australia, terkejut mak bila tengok video deleted! Biar betul ... katernya ada claim from Controversy Music ... katenyerrr ...  Memang performance yang meletup and deserve a standing ovation!

Week 3 Live Show memang dinanti-nanti oleh mak. And entah kenapa macam Danii Minogue macam paham jer mood mak yang banyak dipengaruhi oleh music disco sejak dua menjak ni. And she really mentored Dami well, making Dami a very versatile entertainer! Perasan tak, performance ni adalah ala2 K-pop sikit hahaha.

Entah macam manalah her performance next week. Tak sabar rasanya. Nampak kan her evolution daripada penyanyi yang malu-malu ke super diva. By the way, mak geram betul lah line broadband rumah mak ni ... sucks giler! Loading lambat, putus-putus .... eeee memang nak kena komplen ni!

Ok lah ... mak nak tido dulu. Dah 2 malam tido lewat sebab carik bahan for blog mak ni. Sebenarnya nak tulis benda lain ... tapi entah kenapa tertulis pulak pasal si Dami ni ... 

Love From Down Under,

Btw ... another contestant worth watching on X-Factor Australia  ... Jiordan Tolli!

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