
Sunday, September 8, 2013

I am 36 today

Mak stop kejap citer kaverina tu sebab nak bagi peluang kepala mak yang kusut ni to reorganise balik. Ya ... otak mak memang senantiasa kusut. Yelah usia menginjak senja ni jadi banyak lah yang mengusutkan kepala.

Cakap pasal kaverina-kaverina ni ... mereka jugak yang make my day today. Tiba2 jer depa serbu rumah mak dengan kek yang nyams. Terpaksalah mak pikiaq 2 kali nak sambung citer kaverina sebab hati tersentuh dengan "kecomelan" theyols bawak kek kannnn... Mudah sangat kena "rasuah" dengan pujuk rayu hahaha

Let's talk about how it is being 36 ... hmmm to be honest ... mak ada buat salah perhitungan about 13 years ago. Tapi yalah mak bukan psikik and mak takleh foretold the future. But my advise for young ladies of 23 out there ... you can't get the best of both world ... family and career without sacrificing another. Back to those years before, I didn't want to settle down without first stabilising my career and kumpul harta. But kalau family tak kaya, jangan harap you can achieve semua by 30. And guess what, one of those wishes was to do my Masters.  Seriously ... I made a decision 13 years ago that I will not settle down if I didn't do my masters. However my aim was 30, and I manage to do my Masters by age 36.

I find it quite hard sebenarnya to motivate myself in terms of career by age 33. Suddenly all sort of stress, uncertainties, fears and the need "to have and to hold" sungguh kuat. Tenaga dan kudrat pun diminishing everyday. And to be honest, I don't have a plan or what's next lepas habis masters. Sebab realitinya, at 36 ... single woman yang bekerjaya memang susah nak dapat jodoh yang sesuai.

36 is not a very sexy age unfortunately for women. Seriously!!!

Hmmm ... maybe I should improve my health. Make myself closer to God. 

Having said that ... maybe I should embark on my happiness project and who knows I might meet Ketut Liyer hahaha. 

Happy birthday to myself.


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